Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving in Findley Lake, NY

My last post was almost 10 months ago. Forget about it - on with the present. The lake is down to its winter level & the leaves are pretty much history. We had our first Findley Lake, NY snowfall day before yesterday - 8 inches of heavy, wet white stuff. It wasn't meant to be here for long - it's melting away as I write. Biggest news of the year? Bigger than Obama wins the presidency? (YEA by the way!) I bought my husband, Bruce, a laptop computer last month. Yes, Bruce Ahlquist - your eyes aren't playing games. So what does the man who never needed or wanted a computer do first? Catch this -- he created his own account. He's up to 24 friends & counting. Go figure. He's doing a lot of recipe searches & learning how to e-mail. Best of all, he resurrected an old leather briefcase & totes his laptop whereever he goes. First it was his very own cell phone & now a laptop - he's certainly sailing on the info highway! Yesterday he demonstrated the art of googling to another non-believer who is awaiting his first computer. Safe to say he's a convert for life. It's the time of year for lots of turkey shows on the Food Network. Certainly my favorite comfort food, accompanied by Bruce's awesome stuffing. Thanksgiving will be at niece Emily's house in Warren, PA but we're planning our own dinner earlier in the week while daughter Hillary is home from college. This way we'll have all the leftovers we've come to know & love. And speaking of Hillary, she's closing in on the end of her 1st semester Freshman year at at Duquesne University in Pgh, PA. The parents have taken to the empty nest with the utmost of ease, to the suprise of many. Although I have to admit it's easy to keep in touch with our cell phones & computers. Home is now a drama-free zone without a teenager in the house, even a mature, well-behaved teenager! And we've thoroughly enjoyed our day trips to Pittsburgh, which was our old stomping ground some 25 years ago. OMG - 25 years ago! I think I need a nap -- later.....

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